Greeters are stationed at the doors on Sunday mornings and greet people as they come in. They help both newcomers and longtime Anthem attenders feel like family.Gifts/Skills
Friendly and warm demeanor, desire to remember new names and facesTime Commitment
Serving at one service or more per month (depending on preference/availability). Greeters serve for about 45 minutes prior to serviceService Needs
8:15 AM or 10:15 AM service
Welcome Space Attendee
Welcome Space attendees are stationed on the far end of the auditorium after services in order to form connections with those new at Anthem. They direct them to fill out the Next Steps form or connect them with ministry leaders.Gifts/Skills
Conversational, ability to network/connect people, friendly demeanorTime Commitment
Serving at one service or more per month (depending on preference/availability). Welcome Space attendees serve for about 30 minutes after serviceSpecific Needs
8:15 AM or 10:15 AM service
Ushers are stationed inside the auditorium, welcoming people and showing them to open seats on Sunday mornings. They also help prepare the auditorium for the next crowd in between the two services.Gifts/Skills
Hospitable, servant-hearted, ability to lead and direct others in a confident yet kind mannerTime Commitment
Serving at one service or more per month (depending on preference/availability). 15 minutes before service starts, 15 minutes into service, and 15 minutes after (45 minutes total)Specific Needs
8:15 AM and 10:15 AM service
Parking Team
The friendly faces with bright vests you see when you enter the parking lot of Anthem Church! Parking team members help direct the flow of traffic in order to provide a smooth and stress-free experience. They direct cars to open spots and assist people in parking in tight spaces when necessary.Gifts/Skills
Fun, friendly and warm demeanor, ability to organize and problem-solveTime Commitment
Serving at one service or more per month (depending on preference/availability). 30 minutes before 8:15 service through beginning of second service.
Meal Train
Meal Train volunteers support various members and ministries through providing meals. This is a practical, tangible way to show the love of Christ!Gifts/Skills
Meal provisionTime Commitment
Flexible, whenever you have availability to prepare and drop off a mealSpecific Needs
Worship Team breakfast on Sunday mornings
Coffee Bar
The baristas of Anthem Church. Coffee Bar volunteers brew fresh coffee and serve it with a smile on Sunday mornings.Gifts/Skills
Friendly and warm demeanor, conversational, willingness to learnTime Commitment
Serving at one service or more per month (depending on preference/availability). 30 minutes before service through beginning of serviceSpecific Needs
8:15 AM and 10:15 AM service