Knoxville Vision Trip
Info: Join us for a "retreat-esque" weekend at the foothills of the Smokies as we help you explore Knoxville and the University of Tennessee. Time together will include vision time, worship, a ton of social time, and some built-in free time as well.
When: November 8th - November 10th
Cost: $30/Person : Covers Friday night food, t-shirt, and some small but mighty swag items.
Not Covered: Lodging, transportation, and meals on Saturday and Sunday. Lodging will be coordinated organically by UNL folks as they commit. Some lodging may be available for some at the residences of future Calvary/Salt peoples' homes.
SIGNUP DEADLINE => October 31st, 2024
Prayer and Worship Night
Join us Sunday, November 3rd from 6-7:30 pm for a special evening of prayer and worship as we come together to seek guidance, healing, and unity for our nation. Let’s lift our voices in hope and faith, praying for our leaders, communities, and the challenges we face.
Fall Fest
Anthem’s Fall Fest will be a fun fall event focused on connecting with community! We will have flag football, a chili cook-off, and some activities for kids at Cosmo Park (Burford Shelter) on Sunday, October 13th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
Anthem Basics
Wanting to learn more about who Anthem is, what we believe, and what our vision is for the city of Columbia? This class is designed to help you connect with others new to Anthem, ask questions you may have, and to help you learn how you can contribute to what God is doing through Anthem.
Sign up for our next Anthem Basics class on Sunday, October 13th and October 20th during first service (8:15 AM - 9:45 AM). Upon signing up, you will receive a set of videos via email that outline our beliefs and values.
Chiefs Watch Party
It’s nearly football season and we want to watch a game together! We’ll be hanging out at the Arcade District (1214 Eugenia Street) to watch the Chiefs vs. Bengals game on Sunday, September 15th. The game begins at 3:25 PM. Don't forget to bring your own game day snacks! Plus, you'll get free access to the arcade.
In addition, we will be having an Andy Reid look-alike contest for babies. Adults, we do encourage dressing as your favorite Chiefs-related celebrity.
Bring friends and neighbors!
Summer Social
We’re back at the Arcade District on Sunday, July 28th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM for our next Summer Social. There will be free arcade access, a movie, bring-your-own-dinner picnic on the lawn, and treats!
Anthem Basics
Wanting to learn more about Anthem or pursue membership? Save the date for our next Anthem Basics class on Sunday, July 28th and August 4th after service (10:15 AM - 11:45 AM).
Church Garage Sale
Anthem will host a church-wide garage sale for the public on July 13th, benefitting our advocacy ministries. Turn your unused items into opportunities to share the Gospel with our neighbors throughout Columbia! There are two ways you can join in - donate your items on July 12th from 5p-8p at the church or come shop at the garage sale on the 13th from 8a-12p!
Summer Social
It’s about time for an Anthem Summer Social! Get ready for an absolute BLAST at the Arcade District suitable for all ages, featuring a bring-your-own-dinner picnic on the lawn, nostalgic arcade fun, and a screening of “Shrek” under the stars. The Arcade District will be providing drinks and Anthem will provide an ice cream bar.
Don’t miss out on the Summer Social on Sunday, June 9th from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Arcade District (1214 Eugenia Street) - it will be a great opportunity to connect, make memories, and invite others into community. Check out video from Chris for more details!
Prayer Walks
Let's seek the good of the city God has placed us in by covering it in prayer (Jeremiah 29:7). These prayer walks will be a coordinated, intentional opportunity for you to gather others who live nearby or regularly do life with and pray over your neighborhood, campus, or another area of the city. Join us on Wednesday, June 5th at whatever time of day works best for you starting at 7 am - register on Church Center to let us know where you'll be praying and who will join you!
How to Launch a Discipleship Group
We are not meant to do life alone. We are made for relationships that intentionally partner in God’s work of redemption in one another's lives. Therefore, we have groups designed to provide relationships that encourage us to keep going, support us when we’re down, celebrate the big and small wins, and remind us of what is most important (Col. 3:12-17).
Looking for a group of partners you can embark with on the journey of discipleship? Join on our 'How to Launch a Discipleship Group' event on Sunday, May 19th after service at 10:15 AM to learn more about Discipleship Groups at Anthem and how to get involved.
Baptism Celebration
Celebrate new life in Christ with us between services on Sunday, April 28th! If baptism is your next step in Christ, find out more about baptism or let us know your interest by filling out form here.
ForColumbia was founded in 2015 to bring Christians together to freely share the love of God by serving our community, side-by-side. They do this by organizing volunteers from Christian churches throughout mid-Missouri to serve individuals, non-profit organizations, and other public venues in an annual city-wide day of service.
Save the date for Saturday, April 27th and sign up below!
Prayer and Worship Morning
We have been holding Prayer and Worship Nights throughout the semester. It has been a blessing to cap our weeks with rich evenings of silence, solitude, worship, and seeking the Lord through group prayer. We desire to continue this pattern, but this time, we'd love to try opening our week together in dependence on and adoration of the Lord! Start your week with us on Monday, April 22nd from 6:30-7:30 AM as we practice seeking His presence together.
Anthem Basics
If you would like to become a member of Anthem Church or simply want to learn more about who Anthem Church is, why we do what we do, and what beliefs drive what we do, join us for our Anthem Basics class on Sunday, April 14th and 21st in between services (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM) during our Equipping Hour.
MyLife Pickleball Tournament
My Life Clinic is hosting their Second Annual Pickleball Tournament to raise money for the free services offered at their pregnancy help center, serving women and children in our community.
Anthem’s Advocacy Ministry is excited to be putting this opportunity before our church to participate. Grab your paddles and some friends - let’s play some pickleball!
Advocacy Panel
Love Columbia and My Life Clinic, Anthem’s partner agencies, will answer your questions about their mission, how they reach the community’s physical and spiritual needs, and how you can partner with them.
Easter Service
Easter Sunday at Anthem will be one service only (8:15 AM) on Sunday, March 31st. Save the date and begin inviting friends for this celebration service as we joyfully remember Christ’s resurrection as the source of liberation from all our captivity!
Good Friday Service
Our Good Friday Service will be on Friday, March 29th from 6-7 PM. Join us in remembering the significance of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins, as we look forward to celebrating his glorious resurrection!
Prayer and Worship Night
As we focus on the theme of Liberation from Captivity this semester in our Exodus sermon series, we want to contend in prayer for liberation from captivity in the lives of our neighbors, in our own hearts, and for the city of Columbia. Join us for a night of ‘Contending for the Captives’ in prayer and worship Friday, March 15th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Childcare will be available.
Redeemed and Restored: Women's Event
All women of Anthem, college age and up, are invited to join us on Saturday, March 2, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. A delicious home-cooked breakfast will be provided by one of our very own Salt Guys' Groups! Come prepared to get to know women in various life stages through fun activities, a time of teaching from Psalm 107, testimony, prayer and worship. We are women who have been Redeemed and Restored by a wonderful Savior, so join us as we gather together - "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from trouble." Psalm 107:2.
Knoxville Vision Trip
Join us for a weekend exploring Knoxville and the University of Tennessee as we pray for, dream, and discern together what God has in store for Calvary Commons, Salt Company, and you.
Easter Sunday Service
Celebrate Easter with us! Easter Sunday at Anthem will be one service only (8:15 AM). Save the date for this joyful celebration service as we worship the Lord and explore the parallels between God splitting the Red Sea in the book of Exodus and how Christ has made a way for us to be 'Captive No More' through His death and resurrection.
Ash Wednesday Service
Join us for an Ash Wednesday Service on February 14th, from 6:30 to 7:15 AM, as we enter the 40-day journey of Lent—a tradition dating back to the 6th century. This reflective period begins on Ash Wednesday, focusing on the profound impact of our sin and the sweet redemption found in Jesus' sacrifice. At Anthem, we embrace Lent not based on tradition, but as a practice that aids us in living Christ-centered lives. Join us on this intentional path of reflection and anticipation, shaping our hearts for the joyous message of Christ's resurrection on Easter.
Captive No More: 7-Week Workshop Series
This Spring, we will be in a sermon series journeying through the book of Exodus. Throughout this series, we will explore the theme of 'Liberation from Captivity,' delving into the different ways that, like the Israelites, we find ourselves living in captivity and in need of the lasting liberation that Jesus offers.
In this seven-week Equipping Hour workshop series, we will be spending time in between services (9:30-10:30 AM) diving deeper into these themes as we seek through Christ to find liberation for our own souls and the souls of others around us in our city, workplace, and neighborhoods.

Prayer and Worship Night
As we focus on the theme of Liberation from Captivity this semester in our Exodus sermon series, we want to contend in prayer for liberation from captivity in the lives of our neighbors, in our own hearts, and for the city of Columbia. Join us for a night of ‘Contending for the Captives’ in prayer and worship on Friday, February 2nd from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.
Finance Workshop
The Finance Workshop is an opportunity to discover the hope and peace Jesus offers for our financial lives. It will cover the biblical principles you need to steward your money to the glory of God and, along the way, develop community in your financial journey. Our Finance Workshop, taught by Will and Jaclyn Crawford, will begin with two sessions during the Equipping Hour (9:30 - 10:30 AM) on January 21st and 28th.
The course will cover:
Building a budget
Breaking free from debt
Preparing for emergencies with confidence
Making wise decisions about housing and spending
Investing in retirement
Discovering the joy of outrageous generosity

Christmas Celebration
This will be our larger celebration of Christmas as a full church family before our college students leave for winter break. We will get to witness several baptisms, testimonies of new life in Christ, and worship with our Christmas Choir! Invite a friend and prepare to joyfully celebrate the coming of Christ together.

Anthem Basics
If you would like to become a member of Anthem Church or simply want to learn more about who Anthem Church is, why we do what we do, and what beliefs drive what we do, join us for our Anthem Basics class on Sunday, December 3rd in between services (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM) during our Equipping Hour.

Women's Backyard Bonfire
This is for all Anthem and Salt Company women to connect with new faces and enjoy s'more fun! The bonfire will be on Saturday, November 4th from 6 PM - 8 PM at the Gutweins (7201 East Hwy HH, Columbia, MO 65202). Everyone bring a chair and/or blanket to sit! For snacks, we ask that the Salt Company women bring something salty/savory to share and the Anthem women bring something sweet. The goal of this event is to bring Anthem and Salt women together with games, snacks, and discussion.
Next Steps
Whether you are connecting with Anthem for the first time or you are a long-time member wanting to become involved in a new way, filling out this form will get the process started!
Church Center
Our management system we use to schedule serving opportunities, keep track of sign-ups for events, and send messages.