He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. (John 21:6)
At Anthem, we want to help people here, near, and far find renewal in Jesus. With John 21:6 as the weekend’s theme verse, Missions Weekend will focus on casting the net as we seek to obey the Great Commission in the contexts God has placed us now and the places He may be calling us in the future.
The weekend will include a potluck with international food, testimonies, breakout sessions, a missions fair, special speakers, and commissioning of missionaries. There is something for the whole family! See weekend schedule and sign-up below.
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM: Carry-in dinner, meat and drinks provided by church. PLEASE bring side dishes! Table sections will be set up for American and International dishes.
6:45 PM - 8:45 PM: Worship, welcome, Salt summer missionary testimonies, mission, vision, and challenge from pastor Matt Dennings, worship and prayer time
9:00 AM: Worship, welcome, Salt summer missionary testimonies, keynote address, “Cast the Net”, from Dr. Rick Hedger, Multiplying Churches Director with the Missouri Baptist Convention
9:50 AM: Breakout Session #1
10:40 AM: Break
10:50 AM: Breakout Session #2
11:40 AM: Worship, Salt summer missionary testimonies, prayer time
Breakout Session #1 - 9:50 AM
1. “Where Are You Casting Your Net?” - Rick Hedger
2. “My Journey to Becoming a Journeyman with the IMB” - Walker Turner
3. “Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations” - Eric Clinton
4. “Praying for the Harvest” - Diane Combs
5. CHILDREN’S BREAKOUT: “Kids Missions the Honduran Way!” - Bev Null
Breakout Session #2 - 10:50 AM
1. “Missouri Disaster Relief: Bringing Help, Hope, and Healing” - Gaylon Moss
2. “Dialogue with Anthem’s Career Missionaries in the Pipeline” - Richmond and Cox families
3. “Why Adopt an UUPG (Unengaged Unreached People Group)” - Don Combs
4. “Praying for the Harvest” - Diane Combs
5. CHILDREN’S BREAKOUT CONTINUED: "Kids Missions the Honduran Way!” - Bev Null
8:15 AM: First Worship Service
Commissioning of Cox family and Salt summer missions will take place in both worship services
9:45 AM: Missions Fair in Equipping Space
10:15 AM: Second Worship Service
11:45 AM: Missions Fair in Equipping Space